Member Resources

Support materials!

This section has all of the support material you need. This is an investment in your Health and Your Long Term success. We encourage you to print and keep these documents and get familiar with them, as they are a great guide to refer to as you are developing heathy habits for life.

# File Name File Link
1 Welcome to the Challenge 2019 Download
2 30 Day System Instructions Transform Download
3 Calorie Chart Team Transform Your Life Download
4 Measurement Chart Team Transform Your Life Download
5 Cleanse Day Schedule Transform Your Life Download
6 Recipes Team Transform Your Life Download


Receive a comprehensive Food and Calorie Chart that shows you what foods to eat and what to avoid such as Good Carbs vs bad carbs, good fats vs bad fats along with delicious healthy meal ideas.


This is a chance to Link Arms with people that are just like you and want to lose weight and feel better. Surrounding yourself with like minded people who support your efforts makes a big difference in the success.


We have designed a unique “Accountability System” and have found after doing this challenge many times, this was the one thing that kept people on track more than anything else.